Sorry Status for WhatsApp Status for boyfriend/girlfriend download image


On the incredible journey and evolution of the word sorry from “forgive me” to “I apologise” and now to “pardon me”, we have come across the power that these phrases hold. The word sorry makes it to the list of “words of kindness/words of manners” that people teach their toddlers and kids. The list goes as-thank you, please, sorry, may I, excuse me, etc.And there is a reason why accepting mistakes and apologizing for them should be taught from a young age.Saying sorry might not right away restore the damage done right away, but it will surely put a bandage on the wound, help it in healing and save it from further pain. It also shows the compassionate, empathetic, and understanding side of your personality.So here we are bringing to you the best collection of Sorry quotes sorry status, sorry status in hindi, am sorry quotes, sorry status for bf, sorry whatsapp status, sorry status for whatsapp, sorry status for boyfriend, sorry status download, sorry status for love, sorry status for friend, sorry status for girlfriend, sorry status in english, sorry status for girlfriend in hindi, sorry status for best friend or Apology Quotes to help you say it with ease

Admitting your faults is the crucial first step towards making things right once again. These “I’m sorry” quotes, sorry status bf, sorry status image, sorry status punjabi, sorry status gf, sorry status in punjabi, sorry status for husband, sorry status hindi image, sorry status in hindi download, sorry status english, sorry status for wife will help you apologize in a way that reflects how you truly feel.

Sorry Status for BF/GF for WhatsApp Status

  1. “Never apologize for showing your feelings. When you do, you are apologizing for the truth.”

2. “It isn’t always to apologize for your mistakes but doing so shows a person with a strong sense of self.”

3. Life becomes easier when you learn to accept an apology you never got.

4. “Proper apologies have three parts: 1) What I did was wrong. 2) I feel bad that I hurt you. 3) How do I make this better?”

5. But you know all about that, being sorry and having no words to say something when you know you should but you just can’t.”

6. “Forgiveness does not change the past, but it does enlarge the future.”

7. “A sincere and warmly-expressed apology can produce the same effects as morphine on a suffering soul.”

8. “When you forgive, you free your soul. But when you say I’m sorry, you free two souls.“

9. “Apologies aren’t meant to change the past, they are meant to change the future.“

10. “I believe that when you’re wrong, own it and apologize, and so I do and put it on the equivalent of my front page.”

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